Saturday, August 20, 2016

Time Well Spent

Where do I start? I can't believe that I have completed my master's program!!! I worked so hard and have spent so much time dedicated to this program that I can't believe it is now over. I think this has been one of the best experiences in my life. During the duration of my study, I was traveling all over the nation, writing papers, discussions and blog post on airplanes, airports and hotel rooms. I have no idea what I am going to now do with all the extra free time.

 At least three deeply felt learning from this program.

1. The hidden passion for diversity. The cultural diversity course was on of my favorite courses. I never knew that I felt so passionate about anti-bias education. I want to know more information so I am considering receiving my doctorate in diversity in early childhood.
2. How adults learn. My specialization is teaching adults in the early childhood field, and although I am not a "theories" person, it was a wonderful experience learning about how adults learn and the different learning theories.
3. I learned how to conduct research. Before taking this program, I felt disconnected from research. I actually was afraid of research and didn't know how to read it. Now after conducting research and taking the research course, I am actually not afraid of research and know how to read and understand it. These skills are going to be very helpful in my doctorate journey.

At least one long-term goal

My long term goal is to be working at the Department of Education in the Early Childhood Sector. I want to be a policy maker so that all children can have a quality education and receive quality child care from caregivers and teachers.

A farewell message to your instructor and colleagues.

Dear colleagues,

I want to thank each and everyone of you! Your discussion post alone has pushed me to think beyond my limits. I have enjoyed all the discussions and different points of views. I wish nothing but the best for each and everyone of you!

Dear Instructors,

Thank you for pushing me beyond my limits. Thank you for every piece of feedback, comments and on times grades that you have every done. Thank you for making my learning experience an effective and rewarding experience.

Thank you!


Saturday, August 6, 2016

Jobs/Roles in ECE Community: Internationally

This week I conducted research over international organizations that focus on the early childhood field. Often, I am so focus on education because I am educator but I have to remember there are other aspects of early childhood such as poverty.

1. The first organization is Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Children. This organization focuses on promoting policies and advances practices. This site reminds me of NAEYC because it offers professional development opportunities and different resources. This organization advocates primarily for children with special needs and disabilities.
This organization has one opening for an Executive Director (DEC). The posting says that it closed back in March but it is still posted and has the ability to still be submitted. Some of the  qualifications for this job is demonstrates knowledge of dec primary mission and values, a master's degree in a related field, such as early education, special education or related services and a record of developing and effectively managing operations budgets and security program funding.

2. The next organization is Association for Childhood Education International. This organization focus on united knowledge educator experience and perspective in order to exchange information, explore innovation and advocate for children. This organization reminds me of a giant community of practice because of the issues and resources that the organization presents. At this time there is no open positions but there is always an opportunity for an educator to join this organization and share their knowledge, experience and perspective to advocate for children.

3. The last organization is an organization that I was able to work for through a contract agreement a couple of times. The organization is the World Bank but in the Education sector. The education sector is about collecting data and determining how to promote quality education. I have the opportunity to work with Puerto Rico through the World Bank contract. The World Bank is also know for wanting to end poverty in families which is an important aspect in the early childhood field. There is one position open for economist which will focus on ending poverty in families. In addition to being a great oral and written communicator other qualifications for this job is have to have general economic knowledge and analytical skills. This position might not fit our degree well, but at this time there are not any data collect positions open for the education sector.

I love researching all these different organizations! It great to see the value of education and early childhood on a global level.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: National/Federal Level

Oh how I love the field of early childhood! I remember when I first chose this degree and frighten I was that the jobs were going to be limited. Boy, was I wrong. This week has reminded me of exactly how vast this field is.

First things first...I love my job and won't be leaving it any time soon (at least I hope not)! I love to travel and teach, which is what I do. However, deep down inside, I have dream. That dream is to make laws for the the quality education of young children in Washington D.C. Which is funny because I love D.C. Washington D.C. is the foundation of so many companies and for some reason that is the same for the ECE field. All three federal and national organizations that I want to work with someday, all are based out of Washington D.C. Does that mean that I might become of resident of Washington D.C? Only time will tell...the future is never set in stone. Here are the three national/federal organizations that could be a part of my community of practice and a future career.

        1. National Association of the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
This dream might happen sooner than later. NAEYC is the white to my rice and a lines with everything I believe in with young children. Hey! Come to think about it, this is how I found out about Walden and this degree program, almost two years ago. NAEYC is about providing the gold standard to young children and providing professional development to early childhood professionals.        There is one job opportunity that I am interested in and it is called "Editor-in-Chief, Young Children". It's sounds scary right, but it's not. The function of the job includes providing leadership, strategic planning, content planning, editing and writing (could get better at this), content expertise, website and social media, managing workflow and a lot more. I like to dream big and work hard to make a difference, and this would be right up my field.
        The skills I would need are strong project management, analytical and strategic planning skills (Check) A bachelor's degree, a MA desired (check), Minimum of 7 years of experience leading content products for the teacher and educator audience (I'm short a couple of years), high proficiency with MS Office (check) and many more! But it's worth this! Link here:

2. Zero to Three
         I have worked with Zero to Three over the years for Train-the -Trainer opportunities. I have friend who works there now and she is a parent advocate. Zero to Three focuses on family partnerships and family education. Just like NAEYC, Zero to Three is a leading organization that focus on child development in the first three years of life.
        Zero to Three is based in Washington D.C. but has headquarters all over the nation. The current job opening that I would be interested in is Senior Training and Technical Assistance Specialist. The main function of this job is to provide training and technical assistance to programs who provide care for birth to five years olds. OF course, there are other job duties but this seems to be the main function.
       The skills needs for the job is strong knowledge of children birth to five and their development (check), strong knowledge of CLASS Pre-K Observation tool (um...double check, I train on this tool for a living an also reliable!) and a Master's degree in Early Childhood or related field ( I will after August 21st!).
Link here:,-DC-jobs-j18745795.html

3. Department of Education
          It's is my dream to work for the Department of Education. I want to be at the top, making big differences for children. Department of Education has an ECE section but it is intertwined with Head Start (another company I could work for in Washington D.C.)
         There is an opening for an Education Program Specialist and is located in Washington D.C. The main function of this job is ensure that there is compliance with the Individuals with Disabilities Act, so that Infants, Toddlers, Preschoolers and young children can receive the assistance that they need with provides. This job includes grant writing so that they children can receive the materials and assistance that they need.
          The skills and experience that I would need is 24 hours of course work in the related field of the position with at least 9 hours being in education (might be able to meet this???). At least 1 full academic year of professional teaching experience (check) and knowledge of the federal grants discretion process as it relates to special education (would have to find a course some where). Link here:

All three organizations are amazing! I know that someday I will have to move to Washington D.C., but I just don't know when. Thanks for reading!


Saturday, July 9, 2016

Exploring Roles in the ECE Community: Local and State Levels

This week, I shared an experience that I had that helped me to become a part of a community of practice. I had joined a community of practice after I had observed an ineffective teacher-child interaction. The community of practice was filled with a group of members who wanted to improve teacher-child interactions in our community. For this blog post I decided to find three communities of practice that appealed to me and caught my interest. 

1. Workforce Child Care Services (Austin, TX)
I chose this organization because it is my favorite community of practice in my community. Workforce Child Care Services wants to promote quality care for all young children. The organization partners with other community members to utilize resources, tools and experience to solve the problem of the lack of quality child care. This organization is also a community of practice for my Capstone Project issue which is teacher preparation because it offers many great resources for teachers including trainings, materials for classroom environments and free CDA classes. They currently have a position open for a mentor/coach for child care directors and teachers. The applicant has to have at least 2 years experience in a child care center, director or administrative titled preferred, a degree in Child development or in an related field and experience as a mentor/coach. 

2. United Way of Austin (Austin, TX)
United Way has always been a great resource in the field of early childhood. United Way has many locations around the country and I am glad that there is a location in my community. United Way of Austin, works with families, child care directs and teachers to ensure that children receive quality care and develop to their full potential. United Way has a grant that works with NAEYC programs that helps their teachers be successful in the classroom. This organization is also a community of practice for my Capstone Project.  They currently do not have a job open at this moment. 

3. Teachstone, LLC  (Charlottesville, VA)
I know what you're thinking, hey that is not anywhere close to Austin! I know, I know but this organization has remote coaches. This means I could work for this company but work with teachers in my community. This organization focuses on improving teacher-child interactions. I chose this community of practice because teacher-child interactions is in my opinion, the heart of teaching. In addition to making assessments and products for professional development, this organization wants to change the teaching field through interactions. There is a job opening for Professional Development Specialist. The requirement are a master's degree in education or a related field, 5 or more years in professional experience in the field of education, certified of the company's assessment, experience providing professional development and support to education professionals, knowledge of the current trends in the earl-childhood education research and practice, ability to translate research into practice, ability to provide feedback that is both directive and supportive, excellent oral and written communication skills and a willingness to travel. 

These three organizations support teachers which is one of my professional goals. Maybe one day I can join one of their teams!



Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Long Time No See!

Hello there my friends! It's been a long time since I have seen this blog! 16 weeks to be exact! You can say I was on break but actually my last two courses didn't require a blog (what a shame!) So I am back and this week I had to think about my passion and issues in the early childhood field! I was a little sad because I couldn't do a Wordle like everyone else because I could not download Java on my work laptop, so I had to bring out my creative side a bit and make a homemade version. I have listed my passions and concerns for this wonderful field. If you have some time, check it out and tell me what you think
The blue highlighted "Teacher Preparation" is what I am thinking I am going to focus on my capstone project on! I'm excited and can't wait to see what I am going to do with this the topic of Teacher Preparation!


Saturday, February 27, 2016

Thank You!

I can't believe that it has been a year since I decided to join this journey into receiving my Masters. It wasn't something that I thought about for a long time, I literally attended NAEYC and met a professor. I have learned so much in my journey! Although I wasn't always happy on Wednesdays, Saturday and Sunday because that was when assignments were due, it was nice to read all of your post and discussions. Thank you colleagues for providing your points of views and challenging my thinking. There were times when I had to reflect on a discussion post that was written because it was so different from my view, but I was able to understand the topic through your lens, which made our assignments more meaningful.

I remember being really nervous about joining an online community, but really glad that I have had some great interactions with you all! Now that the journey is almost over, I wish you nothing but the best of luck in your specializations!

If you every need me, leave a comment on my blog!


Saturday, February 13, 2016

Adjourning after a Meeting

So....over the course of my career, I have attended many meetings. People in the early childhood field are always trying to find a better way to things because we are in a field that is every changing.

A couple of years ago I worked with the best team I have ever worked with. We had to come together to put together a conference for all the Child Care Directors in our community. We had our ups and downs, but it was a joy to work with all those women from different aspects of the ECE profession.

We worked together for a month, and the more we worked together, the more we were able to effectively communicate with each other. Relationships and trust begin to form over time. When we knew that we would have to be done with conference soon, we all hated it. We had some together and did some really great things for our community, and we all wished we could continue working with each other.

On our last day we had to close our project because we where done. We all hugged and gave each other our phone numbers. To celebrate our success with the conference, we all went out to Happy Hour. Going out to Happy Hours was so nice and I am glad to say that we are all still friends and have worked on more projects together.

Even though the adjourning step can be tough, it is nice to properly close a project. I am so glad that the adjourning process  was a great process for me.